Cain 20 Exe

Cain20.EXE Posted Jul 12, 2000 Authored by Mao Site Cain and Abel is a password recovery tool for Windows 95/98 operating systems. AntiVirus Scan Results for Check our results BEFORE you visit.
Cain20.EXE Posted Authored by Site Cain and Abel is a password recovery tool for Windows 95/98 operating systems. It allows easy recovery of Logon passwords, Share passwords (local and remote), Screen Saver passwords, Access Database passwords, DialUp passwords, Link passwords and any other application defined password cached in your system or in external.PWL and registry files.
Cain 20 Download
SMB passwords (MD4 hashed passwords) can also be recovered with a powerful distributed SMB sniffer. Warning: McAffee falsely detects this as a virus because it is free and cracks passwords.

Archive password is set to p4ssw0rd. Use at your own risk.
Cain 20 Download
Tags , systems , MD5 579afc4aad3dcef009f62a. Manual html pdf download.