Is Carbonated Soft Drink A Mixture Or Pure Substance
Solutions-homogeneous mixtures of two or more pure substances. The substance didn’t dissolve. Carbonated soft drinks are more.
A soft drink is definitely a compound. You see, mixtures can be easily taken apart. A salad is an example of a mixture. A compound is a substance whose smallest unit is made u p of atoms of more than one element bonded together. This just means that compounds cannot be separated easily. A soft drink, air, and carbon dioxide are some examples.
Is A Soft Drink A Mixture
A solution is sort of like a compound, except that a solution is a substance mixed into another. Some examples are table salt water- when you mix table salt into water- and powder lemonade when you mix it in water. In all solutions there is a level of solute. If you exceed this level, the solution will not mix all the way and you will be left with a substance you can see because it has overpowered the other.