Sqlplus Spool Date File

  1. Spool Date

SPOOL is not available in i SQL*Plus. Stores query results in a file, or optionally sends the file to a printer. In i SQL*Plus. Does anyone know how I can append the date onto the end of a spool file? I need to run a script once a week that produces a file that someone else is going. Dynamic Spool File Name. Is this answer out of date? Same as SQL*Plus, run: set define off first. SET DEFINE OFF will not work.

SPOOL SPOOL is not available in iSQL.Plus. Syntax SPOOL filename. Ext CREATE REPLACE APPEND OFF OUT Stores query results in a file, or optionally sends the file to a printer.

In iSQL.Plus, use the preference settings to direct output to a file. Terms filename. Ext Represents the name of the file to which you wish to spool. SPOOL followed by filename begins spooling displayed output to the named file. If you do not specify an extension, SPOOL uses a default extension (LST or LIS on most systems). The extension is not appended to system files such as /dev/null and /dev/stderr. CREATE Creates a new file with the name specified.

REPLACE Replaces the contents of an existing file. If the file does not exist, REPLACE creates the file. This is the default behavior.

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APPEND Adds the contents of the buffer to the end of the file you specify. OFF Stops spooling. OUT Stops spooling and sends the file to your computer's standard (default) printer. This option is not available on some operating systems. Enter SPOOL with no clauses to list the current spooling status. Usage To spool output generated by commands in a script without displaying the output on the screen, use SET TERMOUT OFF.

SET TERMOUT OFF does not affect output from commands that run interactively. You must use quotes around file names containing white space. To create a valid HTML file using SPOOL APPEND commands, you must use PROMPT or a similar command to create the HTML page header and footer.

Spool Date

The SPOOL APPEND command does not parse HTML tags. SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY to 9.2 or earlier to disable the CREATE, APPEND and SAVE parameters. See to determine what functionality is controlled by the SET SQLPLUSCOMPATIBILITY command.


Examples of SPOOL Command To record your output in the new file DIARY using the default file extension, enter SPOOL DIARY CREATE To append your output to the existing file DIARY, enter SPOOL DIARY APPEND To record your output to the file DIARY, overwriting the existing content, enter SPOOL DIARY REPLACE To stop spooling and print the file on your default printer, enter SPOOL OUT Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way.

I apologise for the misunderstanding Tom, its such that when i run the format alone that you gave me in PL/SQL, it works fine, but when i add it on my query, it adds the date on the text filename of which is fine because that's the way i wanted it to be, but it also displays it at the begining of my result query as 20021217 of which i don't need it there as it has already done it's job of adding it to the text filename.i'll try to check as to why is returning the date on the result query. E. Torrent repair station crack. g When i run the ff query: column dt newval X spool c: test pmint&X.flashnotications.txt select tochar(sysdate,'yyyymmdd') dt from dual; SELECT ' 'PMFLASH-' tochar(sysdate, 'YYYYMMfmDDfm-HHSS' ) FROM DUAL; select ' 'CoCT FLASH' FROM DUAL; Result query: 20021217 PMFLASH-200 CoCT FLASH On the Result query i don't need the first part of - 20021217, i need only the second part PMFLASH-200,CoCT FLASH. Thanx Zoliswa.