Ver Virus
Virus Name: Virus Categories: Ransomware, Decryption Virus Detailed Description of Virus Have you encountered that when you open the computer one day and all the files here are changed to a strange format? All of their names are changed to strange statue including.bmp,.gif,.gpg,.hwp,.ibd,.jar,.java,.jpeg,.jpg,.ppt,.pptm,.pptx,.psd,.rar,.raw,.rtf,.sch,.sldm,.sldx,.slk,.stc,.std,.sti,.stw,.svg,.swf,.sxc,.sxd,.wma,.wmv,.xlc,.xlm,.xls,.xlsb,.xlsm,.xlsx,.xlt,.xltm,.xltx,.xlw,.zip, asp.
When you open them, you are informed that this files are encrypted, and you are required to apply decryption key for this situation. These phenomena are created by Virus, which is know as a ransomware. We likewise call it as an encryption virus. Virus is considered malicious and it is a ransomware designed to encrypt the files with aps encryption system. This virus usually enters windows systems or mac system via unknown email attachments. At the moment that users open the attachments of spam email which shows with the subject of letter from ebay, Virus will infilrate the system without consent. It aims to earn ransom fee buy selling decryption key to the infected files. Virus requires a unique decryption key so that the files get unlocked. If this virus gets infected on the computer, none tools can recover these files and other problems will happen on this pc. It generates the resource for malware and viruses on this computer. They work together to get infected the central system and data. What will Virus do to damage the computer?
VIRUS: The Game - Introduction, Installation, and Level 1 (50,000 Subscriber Special) - Duration: 23 minutes.
Ver Virus
- Help To Remove Virus from Windows 7 Get a look at different infections relating to
- VIRUS: The Game - Introduction, Installation, and Level 1 (50,000 Subscriber Special) - Duration: 23 minutes.
⇒It makes everything slowly and all your programs will be difficult to respond normally. ⇒It causes terrible online surfing experience with nasty ads. ⇒It pops up phony messages to swindle you into buying scam products.
⇒It uses harmful files to replace your system files to cause security vulnerabilities. ⇒It establishes connection with remote server to download more severe threats. ⇒It works with remote hacker to steal your accounts and get your privacy and money.