Game Sprinter 200m

Game Sprinter 200mSprinter game 400 metersSprinter

More Game Sprinter 200m videos. Sprinter Facebook Version of Sprinter. 100 meters sprint game. Sprinter Facebook Version of Sprinter. Play the Sprinter game online for free! Put on your running shoes and get ready for some sprinting action! The objective of the game is to finish first every round.

Game Description Sprinter Put on your running shoes and get ready for some sprinting action! The objective of the game is to finish first every round. The game starts very easy as you compete with kids and girls. As the game progresses, you will have stiffer competition. Avoid wiping out as much as you can. The key to winning this game is to press the left and right arrow keys alternately as fast as you can.

Sprinter Game

If you press the same key twice, the sprinter will fall. Enjoy and have fun! Press the left and right arrow keys alternately to sprint. Welcome to, largest gaming social community on the net. With over 20,000 games to play, you should never get bored again. We add new games like Sprinter every day. Play games, rate them, post comments, add them to your favorites, share them and chat with other online gamers.

200m Sprinter Game

Furthermore, we add new every day so you can play against your friends. When you sign up as a member, you get to discover the social community part of the site which offers you the ability to upload and share photos, customize your gamer profile, draw sketches, make friends, start private chats, exchange gifts and keep track of what your friends have been up to.