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Design Shop Pro V9 Download
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DesignShop V9 is now available. New for 2009, DesignShop V9 includes amazing industry changing digitizing and production features. New digitizing features include the UnaFill splicer. This will allow users to splice multiple directions of fill stitches for one object. Auto underlay has been added with multiple choices of underlay styles for any digitized object or font. Objects will maintain color properties so that copying and pasting will not require re-sequencing of colors. The Vector Graphics to Embroidery Assistant allows easy point and click conversion of any vector file to be digitized in seconds.
Satillimite V9 Pro
Digital Fashion Pro V9

New production tools include fabric profiles that allow users to save design information, such as stitch densities, to specific fabrics or apply fabric profiles to specific designs. Also, design information may now be printed with bar codes. Use a bar code reader at anytime to recall the design, eliminating the need to search for design files on hard drives or disks. Melco revolutionizes the embroidery digitizing production process with the new Melco LogoExpress feature. This feature allows a user to link directly into an online digitizing service portal with digitizing turn-around times as quickly as 24 hours. DesignShop V9 users can opt for the LogoExpress feature during times of heavy volume.