Vape News Magazine Pdf

Vape News Magazine Pdf

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On Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018, the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will propose a prohibition on the sale of flavored tobacco products within San Mateo County, California. Further, the ordinance will prohibit the sale of tobacco products of any kind by pharmacies, and will expand the definition of “tobacco product.” The ordinance, furthermore, will not be read to meeting attendees. However, you can read the ordinance by downloading it in.pdf form from. The meeting will take place at: Hall of Justice 400 County Center Redwood City, CA 94063 All those who are in a position to attend are encouraged to do so and if possible to contact Stefan Didak of That the State of Washington is pursuing the adoption of House Bill 2165, which will impose a 60% tax on all vapor products sold within the state.

Dr. Stephen M. Amrock

Tv enigma prijepolje. The bill, which is moving to the Washington State House Of Representatives, is similar to the 40% tax signed in Pennsylvania, a tax which destroyed over 100 retailers in that state after taking effect on October 1st, 2016. HB 2165 is sponsored by Representatives Eileen Cody (D), Beth Doglio (D), Paul Harris (R), Ruth Kagi (D), Gerry Pollet (D), Cindy Ryu (D), and Vandana Slatter (D). Of note: HB 2165 contains an admission by its authors that: “The legislature intends for the revenues generated by the tax imposed under this section to help offset lost revenue from any legislation that raises the legal smoking age.” (Page 7, line 35) Read the full text of the bill in its current form. City officials in Missoula, Montana are weighing a proposal that would effectively prohibit indoor vaping while giving local business owners the option to ban smoking outside the entrances of their establishments.

The proposed ordinance that the city council is considering would bolster the Montana Clean Indoor Air Act to include e-cigarette use, according to the Great Falls Tribune. If passed, the measure would also ban tobacco use in city-managed areas like pubic playgrounds and sports fields.

Those found in violation could be served with a $100 fine, the Great Falls Tribune also reports. A public hearing on the proposed ordinance has been scheduled for Feb. To read more click for the Great Falls Tribune article. Chris Mellides is the Managing Editor of VAPE Magazine. A seasoned journalist, he has worked in all areas of the media industry since first getting his start in newspaper reporting. A sheds light on a recent study from the University of East Anglia Norwich which finds that brick and mortar vape shops provide valuable behavioral and social support for vapers’ smoking cessation efforts. Citing the number of vape shops across the U.K.

And their popularity among British vapers, researchers studied the brick-and-mortar vape shop environment. Their findings have prompted them to urge the NHS to partner with reputable vape shops to boost efforts to convert British smokers into vapers. Emma Ward, lead researcher on the study from UEA Norwich Medical School, demonstrated the markedly pro- harm reduction stance of the British health community, saying, “Previous evidence suggests that 90 per cent of attempts to quit smoking eventually end in relapse. Smokers are addicted to nicotine, but there are also lots of complex psychosocial behaviours associated with smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy doesn’t always address the behavioural and social aspects of smoking, but switching to e-cigarettes can be a really effective way to stop.” When it comes to the benefits of brick and mortar shops in behavioral and social support, Dr. Ward said, “We found that vape shops provided effective behavioural support to help quitters stay smoke free.

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Shop assistants were really keen to understand customers’ smoking preferences and give tailored advice about the most appropriate products. And they were an ongoing point of contact for practical help. “An unsatisfying vaping set-up, device malfunction, or a lack of access to vape supplies can trigger a smoking relapse. But support from vape shops can help sustain smoking abstinence. We found that shop assistants trouble shoot with customers if they had relapsed and try and find a solution, such as fixing their device or upping their nicotine strength.” The study goes on to suggest that while it’s important for NHS to promote an introduction to vaping for smokers, it’s equally important for the health body to work with vape shops, because knowledgeable staff at retail locations can provide experienced guidance that will empower new vapers to find the best combination of hardware and e-liquid individually tailored to their needs and, thus, prevent relapse into smoking.