Serial Communication Between Pc And Plc Lighting Control
Overview Manufacturing commonly requires operator identification for automation, data collection, quality control and job costing. Traditionally, magnetic stripe and barcode technologies have been used, however, these systems can be easily adapted to utilize existing employee proximity or contactless smartcard ID badges. It’s become standard practice for companies to analyze their manufacturing processes on a continual basis to aid in maximizing their overall operational efficiency.

Between PC and NANO PLC using USB to Serial Adaptor. Is it posible to use USB to Serial Converter to connect PC to PLC via communication. Control directly from. The international forum for control engineers. Serial Communication Between Siemens PLC and. I want to make a serial communication using Siemens S7-1200.
These procedures can be turned from problematic and error-prone tasks to straightforward and trouble-free with the simple implementation of a proximity or contactless reader. Through the use of proximity and contactless readers from RF IDeas, companies have the potential to improve, control and secure operations, while also gaining a competitive advantage. With all these features and benefits, secure proximity and contactless technologies have become a necessity for todays industry and logistics applications. PoE for PLCs using EtherNet/IP™ When combined with a pcProx Plus reader, the Power over Ethernet (PoE) and EtherNet Industrial Protocol (E/IP) technology gives customers an ODVA certified manufacturing solution in a single reader. These plug-n-play readers offer industrial and manufacturing capabilities that meet the stringent requirements of companies like Rockwell Automation. These readers are ideal for implementation in industrial and manufacturing protocol situations, where communications with a PLC is necessary.
They can also be utilized for numerous in-building access and identification solution needs. Achieving IP67 Compliance Both the pcProx® and pcProx Plus Surface Mount reader lines are certified IP67 compliant. The IP67 rating ensures that a machine equipped with a pcProx IP67 Surface Mount reader meets the requirements for complete protection against the ingress of dust, as well as water at a depth of one meter for up to thirty minutes. With the IP67 rating, customers can have the peace of mind that RF IDeas' readers will reliably and consistently provide identification and authentication in some of the harshest environments and with the toughest of applications. Manufacturing Application Solutions A WaveID® enabled workplace means leveraging employee's existing ID badges for a myraid of business needs:.
PLC and embedded controller automation. Operator ID authentication. Tool crib access. Logging onto computers. Providing physical entry access.
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Tracking time and attendance. Dispensing authentication. And much more Solutions In today’s business environment, most employees carry badges for building access. A WaveID® powered business environment exists inside the building, addressing the various ways employees’ access and identification needs are met. A WaveID enabled workplace allows employees to logon to their computer, release their print jobs, register at their meetings, track their time and attendance, pay for food, and much more, all with the same card they use for building access.
WaveID illustrates how the proximity and contactless smart card readers created by RF IDeas provide easy solutions for a myriad of business needs. Case Studies Take a look below at how our customers and partners have incorporated pcProx readers into their workplace to create a WaveID environment. pcProx readers were implemented to expand the functionality of employee RFID badges to their pneumatic tube systems to increase efficiency. Use Cases. Migration to automated system improves accuracy. Replacement of magnetic swipe technology with pcProx readers enhanced quality of part testing and improved workflow.
Leveraging existing ID badges eliminates redundancy and errors Application Briefs. References Guides. Brochures. Data Sheets. Glossary IP67: An IP rating (Ingress Protection Rating or International Protection Rating) classifies and rates the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects (including body parts such as hands and fingers), dust, accidental contact, and water in mechanical casings and with electrical enclosures. A 6, the highest level of solid particle protection, states for no ingress of dust; and complete protection against contact.
A 7, states that an ingress of water in harmful quantity shall not be possible when the enclosure is immersed in water under defined conditions of pressure and time (up to 1 m of submersion for 30 minutes). ODVA: An organization that sets forth to advance interoperable information and communication technologies in industrial automation. They support and recognize network technologies built on the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™)-DeviceNet™, EtherNet/IP™, CompoNet™, and ControlNet™ as its core technology. E/IP: EtherNet/IP™ (E/IP) was introduced in 2001 and today is the most developed, proven and complete industrial Ethernet network solution available for manufacturing automation. EtherNet/IP provides users with the network tools to deploy standard Ethernet technology for manufacturing applications while enabling Internet and enterprise connectivity. PoE: Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology enables ordinary Ethernet network cables to function as power cords. In a PoE enabled network, direct electrical current (DC) flows over the network cable together with normal Ethernet data traffic.
PLCs: A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines or light fixtures. (A Registered trademark of the Allen-Bradley Company-Rockwell Automation. Rockwell Automation: A global provider of industrial automation, power, control and information solutions. Rockwell manufactures Allen-Bradley Factory Automation Equipment.