Java Read File Into Byte Array


I've found many ways of converting a file to a byte array and writing byte array to a file on storage. What I want is to convert to a byte array and then convert a byte array back to a I don't want to write it out to storage like the following: //convert array of bytes into file FileOutputStream fileOuputStream = new FileOutputStream('C: testing2.txt'); fileOuputStream.write(bFile); fileOuputStream.close; I want to somehow do the following: File myFile = ConvertfromByteArray(bytes).

Java Read File Into Byte Array

I think you misunderstood what the class really represents. It is just a representation of the file on your system, i.e. Its name, its path etc. Did you even look at the Javadoc for the class? Have a look If you check the fields it has or the methods or constructor arguments, you immediately get the hint that all it is, is a representation of the URL/path.

Java – How to convert File to byte[] By mkyong. Download bostitch n12 roofing nailer manual. This Java Example show you how to read a file into a byte array. Java nio //byte[] bFile = Files. Public static byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws IOException { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); // Get the size of the file. Read file to byte array and save byte array to file: Byte Array « File Input Output « Java. { /** * Read bytes from a File into a byte[].

Java Read File Into Byte Array

Oracle provides quite an extensive tutorial in their, with the latest NIO.2 functionality too. With NIO.2 you can read it in one line using.

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Similarly you can use to write all bytes in your byte array. UPDATE Since the question is tagged Android, the more conventional way is to wrap the FileInputStream in a BufferedInputStream and then wrap that in a ByteArrayInputStream. That will allow you to read the contents in a byte. Similarly the counterparts to them exist for the OutputStream.